Homebirth Midwifery

Serving Twin Cities and Surrounding Areas

What Does Midwifery Care Look Like?

Midwife — Doula — Treasured Birth LLC
Homebirth  — Midwife — Doula — Minnesota — Treasured Birth LLC

Prenatal Care

  • Free virtual consultation visits for potential clients.
  • Comprehensive, holistic, relationship-based prenatal visits every 4 to 5-weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 to 3-weeks until 36 weeks, and weekly from 36-weeks until the birth of your baby, with extra visits as necessary.
  • Lab testing, including genetic screening options.
  • Availability to clients by phone, text, and e-mail for questions and concerns, including 24/7 for urgent needs.
  • Ultrasound referrals
  • Medical consultation and referral as needed.
  • Nutritional and herbal guidance for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery.
  • A prenatal visit usually lasts 45 to 60 minutes and occurs in my home office, with options for virtual visits and one home visit at 37-weeks. 

Attendance at Labor and Birth

  • Homebirth, including waterbirth, after 37 weeks of pregnancy
  • Continuous care and support during active labor, birth, and the first hours after birth
  • Qualified, trained assistant during the birth.

Postpartum Care

  • Complete physical exam of the newborn after birth
  • Lactation support
  • Postpartum education for the new family
  • Regular postpartum visits at 3 days, 7-14 days, and 6 weeks postpartum with extra visits as necessary.
  • Lactation visits with an experienced certified lactation consultant in the first week
  • Pulse-oximetry testing, newborn screening, jaundice checks, and weight assessment for the newborn
  • Availability to clients by phone and e-mail for questions and concerns, including 24/7 for urgent needs.

Home Birth Midwifery Care

  • Comprehensive Prenatal visits.
  • Labs and recommended testing during your pregnancy and postpartum.
  • Referrals to other providers when needed for wellness.
  • Unlimited email, text, and phone support 24/7.
  • Labor and birth support and care in the comfort of your own home or chosen place of birth.
  • Comprehensive postpartum care for mother and baby for the first 6-8 weeks and beyond.
  • Lactation counseling through weaning of your child.
Homebirth  — Midwife — Doula — Minnesota — Treasured Birth LLC

Well Woman Care (For Established Clients)

Do you dread going for your yearly/tri-yearly well woman visit? It doesn’t have to be a dreadful thing to ensure your overall health. Well woman care with a midwife is probably a lot different from the well woman care you have received in the past. We take a holistic approach to your individual concerns and needs. Well woman visits are reasonably priced to fit even the smallest budgets. This care may include, but is not limited to, the following: 

  • Comprehensive Consultation visits.
  • Nutrition Counselling
  • Complete physical exam, including labs and pap smear, if needed.
  • Labs needed to further wellness understanding.
  • Emotional Support
  • Provider Referrals, if needed. 

Certified Professional Midwives

Midwifery Model of Care

The midwives’ model of care is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. The midwives’ model of care includes:

  • Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social wellbeing of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle;
  • Providing the mother with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous assistance during labor and birth, and postpartum support;
  • Minimizing technological interventions; and

As midwives, we believe the practice of midwifery to be distinct from the practice of medicine. We base our profession on a model of care, which believes:

Baby's Small Feet — Elko, MN — Treasured Birth LLC
  • Each woman is unique and her care should be tailored to meet her individual needs;
  • Attending to a woman’s emotional and spiritual needs is as important as providing adequate medical care;
  • Midwives are trained by other midwives, whether that training takes place in schools or through apprenticeships;
  • Midwives maintain a professional attitude and practice, which promote collegial and respectful relationships among all health care providers;
  • The relationship between midwife and client is collaborative;
  • Midwives support the inter-relationship of midwifery and communities; and
  • Midwives promote the awareness of the connection between the health of women, babies, and families; the environment; communities, and nations of the world.

(Based on New Mexico’s Scope of Practice and Standards and Guidelines document, to be found at: https://nmhealth.org/publication/view/guide/1725/. )

Certified Professional Midwives

Midwifery Model of Care

The midwives’ model of care is based on the fact that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. The midwives’ model of care includes:

  • Monitoring the physical, psychological, and social wellbeing of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle;
  • Providing the mother with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, continuous assistance during labor and birth, and postpartum support;
  • Minimizing technological interventions; and

As midwives, we believe the practice of midwifery to be distinct from the practice of medicine. We base our profession on a model of care, which believes:

Homebirth  — Midwife — Doula — Minnesota — Treasured Birth LLC
  • Each woman is unique and her care should be tailored to meet her individual needs;
  • Attending to a woman’s emotional and spiritual needs is as important as providing adequate medical care;
  • Midwives are trained by other midwives, whether that training takes place in schools or through apprenticeships;
  • Midwives maintain a professional attitude and practice, which promote collegial and respectful relationships among all health care providers;
  • The relationship between midwife and client is collaborative;
  • Midwives support the inter-relationship of midwifery and communities; and
  • Midwives promote the awareness of the connection between the health of women, babies, and families; the environment; communities, and nations of the world.

(Based on New Mexico’s Scope of Practice and Standards and Guidelines document, to be found at: https://nmhealth.org/publication/view/guide/1725/. )

As Anne Frye says:

“Midwifery is grounded in the perspective that most women, given physical and psychological support by a trained midwife and accompanied by loved ones, will give birth safely with few, if any, interventions. Midwives screen their patients carefully, watch for complications, and rely on obstetricians in cases requiring intervention. But they spend much of their time educating patients and tend to see their role as collaborative rather than authoritative. Midwives are guardians of the normal.”

Resources and Information For Current Midwifery Clients:

This is wonderful information and a video that addresses newborn blood spot screening. Visit www.savebabies.org, and click on Minnesota or Wisconsin, or whatever your state of residence is.

Servicing the Southern Twin Cities Area and South of the River Area

I provide a free consultation visit so you can get to know a little bit more about me and ask questions to help you decide whether a homebirth is right for you. Please get in touch—I'd love to meet you!

Contact Us

Kelly Martin, CPM, LCCE, CBE, CMT, CD ICEA,
Hypnobabies, Lamaze, Madriella is a leading certified doula in the Elko, MN certified doulas directory on DoulaFinders.com, Doulamatch.net and Meela.com.

Contact Information

Fax: (507) 517-3459

Mailing Address: 26674 Meadow Ridge Drive Elko New Market, MN 55020

Office Address: 14579 Grand Avenue, Burnsville, MN 55306

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Kelly Martin, LCCE, CBE, CMT, CD ICEA/Hypnobabies/Lamaze/

Madriella/ICEA is a leading certified doula on DoulaFinders.com, DoulaMatch.net, and BeHerVillage.com.


Expertise.com’s Best Doulas in Minneapolis 2021-2024

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