Doula Services in Twin Cities and Surrounding Areas


I maintain my certification through several organizations. Here are some links to explore them. Each organization provides a different modem (type) of support.

Homebirth —  Midwife — Doula — Minnesota — Treasured Birth LLC

What Is A Doula?

A Doula is a trained and experienced birth professional who provides a pregnant woman and her family with continuous emotional support and physical comfort and education before, during, and after childbirth. A Doula strives to facilitate communication between the laboring woman, her family, and her clinical care providers. A Doula perceives her role as one who nurtures and protects the woman’s memory of her birth experience. Doulas strive to enhance the role and participation of the partner and family members by modeling supportive and helpful behavior during labor. A Doula strives to draw loved ones closer.

The Benefits Of Having A Doula

Researchers Kennell and Klaus et. al. found in six studies:

  • Cesareans down 50%
  • Length of labor down 25%
  • Pitocin down 40%
  • Forceps down 40%
  • Epidurals reduced by 60%

The Impact of a Doula on Labor and Early Parenting:

(Adapted By Penny Simkin, 1992)

  • Positive labor perception
  • Decreased medications
  • Decreased interventions
  • Decreased cesareans
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Decreased tension
  • Shortened labor

Birth Doula

For Those Parents Who Wish To Have Virtual Doula Support:

  • I do teach Childbirth Education Courses, on Zoom, or Facebook Live, or in-person (your preference) that will empower your partner to do as much support as possible. Afterwards, I provide virtual doula support online, or on the telephone for those families from start to finish during labor.
  • I do have a reduced fee rate for virtual doula support. Please ask me about those prices, and what that would look like for you.

Support In Labor From A Doula Encourages: 

  • Positive family bonding
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Perception of choice
  • Increased participation
  • Decreased depression

What Does A Treasured Birth Doula Do?

I believe that pregnancy, labor and birth are the very first experience that you have as a parent. The importance of protecting the planning, labor, and birth goals, and desires is an essential influence on family bonding. The more closely matched your dream of the perfect birth experience is to the actual perception of your birth experience, the more your family will all come together and bond afterwards.

During our pre-labor meetings, we will talk about things like:

  • What would your perfect birth experience look like?”
  • “Where do you picture your ideal birth to be?”
  • “What is the setting of your birth — i.e., in a warm room, dimmed lights or candles, in the water, on the bed, kneeling, with my partner supporting me, talking to me, or with music playing in the background (or quiet), with aromatherapy (or no scents), etc.”

These details and desires will change and grow with each prenatal visit to your care provider, and each time we visit together.

The goal is to create a “Birth Desires” plan. In creating this “Birth Desires plan” it is very important that you feel confident with your choice of the support people and providers around you. Those providers/support people should be willing to work alongside you and your partner to help you strive to meet those goals. As a Treasured Birth Doula, I don’t have an “I don’t” list of things that I do. I make every effort to advocate for you, to help you to accommodate your birth experience wants, needs and desires.

The joy that you experience during your birth will go a long way in encouraging a healthy family bonding experience after your baby is born. Nature has programmed mothers and their infants to have an immediate “falling in love” experience, right after birth — better known as the “Golden Hour.” An empowered and supported labor experience will go a long way in helping you and your family to make the most of that immediate postpartum time so you can form that healthy bonding connection. A positive birth experience goes a long way in meeting that goal.

When you are surrounded by people who are helping you to learn, to aid in helping you to stay calm, to help you by giving you support and knowledge in order to reduce fear, and to give you the comforting tools to have a wonderful birth, this lifts you up and enables you to make informed decisions both prior to your labor, during your labor, and during the postpartum period. Feeling confident, and having unlimited support goes a long way in creating a positive environment in which you can begin to create that secure family bonding attachment to your new baby.

Birth Doula Packages And Pricing

Three to Four Prenatal Meetings. We can meet either at your home, or at a location of your choice. These meetings average one to two hours long each. Our initial visits allow us an opportunity to get to know each other better rand provide us with a chance for us to explore your expectations for support, as well as help you to create a birth plan that fits your family. Additional prenatal visits may be arranged as desired. Price is $1400.00.

Kelly Martin, CPM, LCCE, CBE, CMT, CD ICEA,
Hypnobabies, Lamaze, Madriella is a leading certified doula in the Elko, MN certified doulas directory on, and

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